Thursday, October 1, 2009

Sentence for 1st October 2009

Sentence: There is a foreboding moon tonight, with a rainbow ring around it, half-covered in clouds with some stars around it... Simply beautiful.

Moon is nearly round tonight, it is near towards Mooncake Festival already!

P.S.: My cat is outside enjoying the moon right now, he is a romantic dude.

Sorry, using XM5800 for this shot, can't see the stars and rainbow ring :(

Tomorrow is the long awaited Curtin Prom Night, themed Stars of Romance and Elegance (sucky theme, I know). Went for shopping with the guys, bought suspenders and bow tie, then follow them to the barbers. The shopping was so last minute, while I am typing this right now, they are still at town hunting shirts and slacks, lol.

I am planning to go with black collared long sleeve t-shirt with red suspender and slightly marooned-red bow tie and coat. Hopefully it will turn out nice. Not expecting something spectacular, just nice is good enough for me.

2 more days till my dad's birthday. Don't have a single idea what to get him this year. He got everything, so it is quite hard to choose a present. Any suggestions?

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